• Your Password has expired. It is more than 90 days old. Please create a new password below.

Password Expired

Required fields are denoted by an asterisk ( Star indicating required field ) adjacent to the label.

Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters long, must contain at least one number (0-9), one upper case letter (A-Z), one lower case letter (a-z), one of these special characters (! # $ ~), but no spaces. Make sure it is difficult for others to guess. Your Password is case-sensitive!!

User Agreement: By clicking Submit below, you agree to hold your User ID and password confidential, not to share them, and not to allow the use of your Beacon Health Options' Online Member Service account by any other individual or entity. If you believe that someone has used your User ID and password to access Beacon Health Options' Online Member Service without your authorization, please call Customer Service.

Clicking the Submit button will update/change your password


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