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Member Tips and Resources

Postpartum Depression

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If you are visiting this page, you or someone you know is probably a new mom, or she will be soon. If so, it is very important for you to review the information we have assembled in order that you may identify any signs of depression that can occur even at this usually very happy time.

From a medical point of view when a woman has a baby she enters the "after-birth" period, also known as the "postpartum" period. During this time, which can last from several weeks to a month or more, her body will go through many changes as it gets used to not being pregnant. These changes will be both physical and emotional.

You have probably heard about the "baby blues" These are very common, but for some women, the blues do not pass. These moms may become depressed, and sometimes the symptoms are even worse than depression. That is why we are making this information available to you.

We want to help mothers who may be depressed feel better. But, to do so we have to know who may be feeling depressed. Luckily, there is a brief list of postpartum symptoms you can review that will give you a good idea if depression could be a factor for you.

If you or someone you know have many of the symptoms listed and are concerned that you or she may be depressed, you may want to talk to your doctor or call ValueOptions for a referral to a specialist.

We hope that you decide to compare what you are experiencing with the list of symptoms. But, whatever you decide, you may phone ValueOptions any time of day at the toll-free number on your insurance card if you have questions or need help. Also, for more information about postpartum depression please refer to the documents below.

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